Week 4 Leadership – Role Models

This month has gotten me thinking a lot about my future and where I want to go, both in my personal and professional life. There has been a lot going on for me, the possibility of my school district closing, looking to purchase a house with my Fiance, our wedding next winter, and finishing my degree at Full Sail. The reading we’ve been doing in The Art of Possibility has really got me thinking about how I view the world in all areas of my life. It’s easy with my school district facing difficulties and the prospect of no job to think negatively, like there is no possibility. However, if you think about it, it opens up a whole world of opportunities for me. I could get a job teaching music in a different district or try to get a technology teaching position or even make a transition to the corporate world.

My Family, Christmas 2010
pictured from left to right
Mom, Alyson (me), Sydney (dog), Mallory, Baxter Bigglesworth (orange cat), Dad, Mr. Milo Quibbles (gray/black cat)

With all these options and new experiences open to me I need to start thinking about what path I want, what will make me happy. I think I’d like to try my hand in the corporate world. I have past experience as an administrative assistant working in the tax, IT, billing and HR departments. I would have the resume needed to be part of or lead new product training for a company. My role model for this possible transition would be my mom. She took her work experiences and went from a pharmacy clerk to a pharmaceutical software company tester to a project manager, to the Director of an IT department at a gas company. She wasn’t afraid of becoming part of a new industry, and proved that her experiences, though not from that industry, could help her be a great asset to every company she worked for. She was even willing to move to a new state for her current job, leaving every part of her comfort zone to do it. What makes me most proud of my mom is that she has done all of this without a college degree. If she can do this without a degree I (with my 2 degrees) better be willing to take a leap towards my dreams without letting fear stop me.

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3 thoughts on “Week 4 Leadership – Role Models

  1. Alyson,
    This month has me thinking about role models as well, and like you I am drawn to personal role models rather than presidents, business owners, or celebrities. It is wonderful that your mom has been so successful and is a chance taker. She will be very helpful with your future in your school district uncertain. I think I still have some more work to do next year in my school, but after that I want to see what other doors open after our degree from Full Sail. I think we have many tools to affect and motivate students without being a classroom teacher. It is very exciting to think what the future may bring for us!

  2. Hello Alyson,

    Your mom is a wonderful inspiration….

    The Art of Possibility, eh!? For your mom then and now for you. It is refreshing to see you put this month’s reading into perspective for your own life… it would be so easy to become overwhelmed with everything you have going on in right now, but instead, you are finding the possibilities in everything… I wish you lots of success in your life’s journeys.

  3. edm613

    Awesome example of a great role model. I’m sure that your mom didn’t just leap at the chances but sweated every step, but did it anyway. I, myself, left my family in Southern California just about four-years ago to come out to Florida and teach at Full Sail and it was the best choice I’ve ever made. It wasn’t an easy choice but given what I wanted from my teaching career it was a step in the right direction (the middle school I left in Long Beach no longer exists… and the district has been laying off teachers right and left, so, yeah, I got out at the right time). Onward and upward, my friend.

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