Week 3 Classmate Comment #1 – The Way Things Are

My Comment


I am sorry to hear about Moishe, I am a cat owner myself and I know how difficult it can be when one falls ill. I am glad to hear that you were able to use this weeks reading to help you deal with your situation. It was in Moishe’s best interest for you to do what you did and get him to the vet so soon. I find too that sometimes you have to shut down the flight or fight response in order to deal with certain situations in a way that can achieve the best outcome.

I am currently coaching HS girls varsity soccer and we had an incident at our game last Monday where one of my players was knocked unconscious for several minutes. She was then unresponsive for an additional 3-5 minutes once she came to. It was a situation where I had to spring into action, holding her neck steady to prevent further injury, getting her to focus on me and not go back to unconsciousness, while phoning 9-1-1 and our athletic trainer to get to the field. I had to stay between resignation about what had happened and panic about it in order to do the right thing. She was sent in an ambulance to The University Of Michigan Hospital and was sent home the next day with a fractured upper arm. Luckily her head injury was not as serious as we had originally thought, she will have to sit out the rest of the season, but will be ok to play next year in college for her basketball scholarship.


Original Post can be found here

wk3 This is the way things are – Golda Lawson-Cohen


This is the way things are

My cat, Moishe, recently took ill. We did not realize that it was him that was defecating around the house until he got lethargic yesterday as we have a total of four cats. He just wasn’t himself as he didn’t want his favorite treats or food.  This is the way things are at the moment. I could have thought that I did something wrong but instead realized that Moishe was feeling badly and taking him to the Vet was the only thing that we could do. Once at the Vet’s office, we were told that it could be a bladder problem because when she touched him get got vocal with a yelp. He was in pain. My spouse and I had to put our feelings aside for the situation and let the Vet do her job, which meant leaving him there overnight. Not a good feeling but when incorporating this is the way things are, we able to accept leaving Moishe at the Vets office. A few hours had gone by and the Vet called us with a progress report. We were so happy to hear that Moishe was doing better but would have to stay the night. My spouse and I were able to accept this because of this is the way things are. If not paralysis would probably set in.

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