Week 3 Reading – The Art of Possibility 5-9

WOW! What a powerful set of chapters from The Art of Possibility. Though all of the ideas and stories touched me and were relatable to my experiences. I was more moved and reflective about one in particular.

Photo by mitch.surprenant

Chapter 5, Leading from Any Chair reminds me of a young student I have the distinct pleasure of working with right now. He is a freshman trombone player, who, due to scheduling issues, could only be placed in our top band. I was very worried about him in September, would he be able to keep up with the other students? Would he get frustrated with the level of difficulty in the music and quit? How would the other students treat him since he did not audition for this group and was placed here on a technicality?

We are now 4 weeks front he end of the school year and he plays 3rd trombone (out of 3) and leads us all from his chair. He is fully engaged at all times, often catching things I missed and making suggestions to help the music shine. He supports his peers and me by his sheer joy for playing music and making it the best experience possible for everyone in the room. If he has difficulties he tackles them with a determination and grit I have rarely seen out of adults, much less a 14-year-old, and a trombone player no less! The brightness that shines in his eyes for music and life is infectious, it reminds me why I started down the path as a teacher. Devon is truly a special student who in his own way is leading us to greatness and I have no doubt will lead from any chair he ever sits in within any organization.



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One thought on “Week 3 Reading – The Art of Possibility 5-9

  1. edm613

    Wonderful story about how we’re not about the chair but much, much more and if you give us a chance we’ll do more than you could ever expect. It makes my eyes shine hearing how this student touched you and touched his classmates.

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